Till-Christopher Otto
Till Christopher Otto regularly advises credit, financial services and payment institutions on all aspects relating to the German Banking Act (KWG), Securities Trading Act (WpHG), Payment Services Supervision Act (ZAG) and Anti-Money Laundering Act (GwG). Additionally, he provides advice to platforms regarding commercial brokerage licences, e.g. pursuant to Section 34c of the German Commercial Code (GewO) and Section 34f GewO as well as to providers regarding new forms of financing such as token-based issuances.
Moreover, Till Christopher Otto is an author of various commentaries on the GwG, the German Investment Act (VermAnlG) as well as the German Capital Investment Act (KAGB). He also regularly holds presentations on regulatory topics, particularly relating to the GwG.
- Since 2020: Lawyer, Annerton Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
- 2015–2020: Lawyer, Taylor Wessing Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbB
- 2014–2015: Research associate, Arnold Porter Kaye Scholer LLP
- 2013–2015: Legal traineeship at Wiesbaden District Court
- 2005–2012: Law degree at Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universität Frankfurt am Main
- Banking law
- Banking supervisory law
- Financial services law
- Anti-money laundering law
- Investment supervisory law
- Crypto & digitisation
- Outsourcing
- Payment services law
- Payment services supervision law
- Zentes/Glaab, GwG, 3rd edition 2022: Section 25i KWG, Sections 13, 20, 25, 27, 39 ZAG (each together with Dr Anna Izzo-Wagner)
- The EU Amending Directive in relation to financial services contracts concluded at a distance, BKR 2024, 84-87
- Chapter X Securities Trading (BaFin)/Financial Supervision Law, in: Künstner / Louven (eds.), Platform Governance and Law, 1st ed. 2024
- Tied Agents within the ECSPR Regime, Nordic Journal of Commercial Law (NJCL), Issue 2/2022. pp. 137-143