
Data protection law

Data is becoming more than ever an economic asset and many a business model is based primarily on the evaluation of personal data. At the same time, there is a growing awareness of the importance of protecting the data of every individual. Thanks to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the supervisory authorities can impose substantial fines on companies and are also taking advantage of the leeway it gives them. In M&A transactions, a failure to protect data often leads to drastic reductions in the purchase price.

Institutes, FinTechs and basically everyone who processes personal data is therefore required to design products and processes in a way that is flawless in terms of data protection.

Our team has many years of experience with data protection law, including international data transfers within and outside of corporate groups. We approach data protection as an ongoing process in the company, because selective measures often bring little in the long run. We help with the data protection law design of products and, together with our clients, select practicable measures which are readily accepted by the clients and with which data protection goals can be achieved. We also work with our clients to identify data protection or data security violations and look for ways to prevent them in the future.
