Outsourcing is becoming more and more important. The digitalisation of business processes and associated cost pressures is only one aspect of this. Therefore, with the PSD2, legislators have provided the industry with a much-vaunted “API Economy”. Regulatory requirements, including those for the use of service providers, are becoming more and more closely entwined.
Institutes and FinTechs are increasingly becoming part of a networked ecosystem of service providers and service consumers. This increasing focus on services in the industry enables the flexible and efficient use of own and external resources, the improvement of own products and the rapid introduction of new offers. But new dependencies can also arise.
We support both institutes and service providers in the development of outsourcing models in which everyone acts on an equal footing – because today’s supplier may already be tomorrow’s customer of an own service and vice versa. We help our clients to ensure that the business case is not lost.
We have extensive experience with outsourcing projects, starting with the integration of external data services, the use of IT resources and the outsourcing of entire business processes. We understand the regulatory requirements, have the technical understanding and also know both sides from a legal department perspective. We work with tailor-made contracts where necessary and use standard texts and forms where it makes sense to do so.