Peter Frey is a founding partner of Annerton Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH. He mainly advises German and international companies in the areas of payment services & payment services supervisory law, banking & banking supervisory law, financial services law as well as anti-money laundering law and outsourcing.

Peter Frey is co-author of the Commentary on Payment Transaction Law by Ellenberger/Findeisen/Nobbe. He is a member of the Expert Committee on Regulatory Issues of the German Association of Independent Asset Managers (Verband unabhängiger Vermögensverwalter Deutschland e.V., Frankfurt, VuV). He has also contributed to numerous specialist publications and is part of the core team of authors of our blog “PAYMENT.TECHNOLOGY.LAW” (PayTechLaw).


  • Since 2020: Founding partner of Annerton Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
  • 2008-2019: Partner at Aderhold Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH
  • 2004-2007: Lawyer at GSK Stockmann, Munich
  • 2003: Head of the Legal/Tax/Personnel department at Wilhelm von Finck AG (now Deutsche Oppenheim Family Office AG)
  • 2002: Lawyer at GSK Stockmann, Munich
  • 1996-1999: Legal studies at and law degree from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München
  • 1994-1996: Legal studies at Universität Passau


  • Anti-money laundering law
  • Banking law
  • Banking supervisory law
  • Crypto & digitisation
  • E-commerce
  • Financial services law
  • Outsourcing
  • Payment services law
  • Payment services supervisory law


  • Neue Anforderungen an das Outsourcing bei Zahlungsinstituten, Rechte der Zahlungsdienste (together with Peter Frey)
  • Ellenberger/Findeisen/Nobbe, Kommentar zum Zahlungsverkehrsrecht, Finanz Colloquium Heidelberg, 2013 (co-author). (Commentary on Payment Transaction Law)
  • Scherer, Kommentar zum Depotgesetz, C.H.Beck, 2012 (co-author). (Commentary on the Securities Custody Act)
  • Rechtsfragen aus der Bankpraxis, Finanz Colloquium Heidelberg, Kontoführung & Zahlungsverkehr, 2011 (co-author). (Legal issues in banking practice)
  • Becker/Berndt/Klein, Zivil- und aufsichtsrechtlicher Rechtsrahmen für Zahlungsdienste, Finanz Colloquium Heidelberg, 2010 (co-author). (Civil law and supervisory law framework for payment services)
  • Die Zulässigkeit von Abschlussgebühren in Bausparverträgen, Zeitschrift für Immobilienrecht 2010, S. 176 ff. (together with Dr. Matthäus Schindele). (The admissibility of sign-up fees in building loan agreements)
  • Neue Dokumentationspflichten bei der Anlageberatung, Banken-Times, Oktober 2009, 33 f. (together with Christian Walz). (New documentation obligations in the investment advisory business)
  • Anforderungen der MiFID an die Dienstleistung der Vermögensverwaltung, in: Konrad (Hrsg.), Jahrbuch Vermögensverwaltung 2008 (together with Dr. Christian Waigl). (MiFID requirements for asset management services)
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